Friday, November 17, 2006

Savoring The Win

I've been remiss in updating my blog since the Democratic win November 7th. So I'll take the time to congratulate the big winners now which of course are the American People. The Democrats defeated the corrupt neocons who are destroying our Constitution and the good name of our Country, proving that the People want a change and some balance returned to Washington. The Republican one party system has proven they cannot govern without corruption, their arrogance and partisan politics finally defeated them.

I would like to say I'm encouraged but from what we've been seeing and hearing the last few days the neocons are once again thumbing their nose at the will of the people. The Republicans have elected Rep. John Boehner as Minority leader of the House and Rep. Roy Blunt kept his post as Whip [Minority]. Trent Lott won a position as the Minority Whip of the Senate despite his racist scandal. Same-o same-o.

The neocons when in control of the House did not allow one Democratic bill on the floor for 12 years and now instead of working together the Minority Republicans are setting themselves up to try and stop everything the Majority Democrats will try to accomplish. As Trent Lott said in his acceptance speech...

"I'm honored to be a part of this leadership team to support Mitch McConnell and all of my colleagues to do a job that I've always really loved the most: count the votes. And all Mitch is going to want me to do is count the magic '60' or the magic '51,' and I'll do my very best in that effort," Lott said, referring to the number of votes needed to break a filibuster or to win a simple majority in the Senate.

We'll see if it works out for them as well as it did the Democrats for the last 12 years.

Anyway, congrats America and the Blogosphere and everyone who worked their butts off to see that America was once again returned to "We The People."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, so now you won the House and the what's the damn plan? I haven't heard crap from Miss Nancy Pelosi.

12:51 AM  

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