Friday, October 28, 2005

It's Official

I seriously doubt Mr. Libby is smiling anymore. Sadly his lying caught up with him and he has been indicted by the Grand Jury for perjury and obstruction of justice, 5 counts in all and wisely he has resigned.

All he did was protect his boss and fall on the sword for dickie [snicker]. It would be great if he suddenly grew a conscience and ratted out the whole criminal bush bunch but he is loyal to their cause so I can't see that ever happening.

No doubt when it's all said and done Scotter will pardoned by bush at the end of his term in office.

Now, I'm going to daydream alittle here. Wouldn't it be great if this was the beginning of the end for Nixon, oops, I mean bush. It's pretty obvious that Cheney and Libby with held information about Hussein's WMDs so bush could make his case for war. Wouldn't it be great if this would lead to bush, cheney, rove, libby, rumsfeld, Rice and the whole lying filthy bunch being tried for high crimes and misdemeanors. I realize in the eyes of the repukes it's not as serious as a blowjob but it's pretty darn close.

Next...Turd Blossom [fingers crossed].


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