Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Big Win For Democrats? Mebbe, Mebbe Not.

As I'm sure by now most Liberal Democrats are aware that, D-Kaine of Virginia and D-Corine of New Jersey won Governorships even though they were up against the typical nasty campaign by the Republicans.

Most Democrats are calling this a big win for Democrats but I'm going to be very cautious about it and say, mebbe. Sadly the Democrats lost in New York by re-electing Bloomberg. [Wake up people!]

It's a step in the right direction BUT I will only consider the Democrats as winning big when they start taking Senate seats and Governorships away from more than just two Republicans. If we expect to save this country from the corrupt Republican Bush Administration then we have got to start electing more Democrats to office.

Put the Government back into the hands of Americans and vote...Democrat! And please, do not listen to the Republican biased media or the sleaze and slander machine of Rove. They lie whether it sounds good or bad. Everything they say and do is to psych the Democratic voters out so they will either become complacent or just give up hope.

Use your heads people, think for yourselves and wake the hell up!


Blogger Joe Gringo said...


Do yourself a favor and read this article....

1:23 PM  
Blogger Sandy said...

Sigh, Dan, this article does nothing but vilify Democrats and Wilson. It is hardly fair and unbiased. Since Bush and Cheney are the leaders of this country, shouldn't they be culpable for the Iraq War? It was based on lies after all.

No matter what the article says, the fact remains that on Feb 2003 in the SOTU address Bush made claim that Iraq was actively pursuing WMDs and he made this the main reason for going to War. The decision to send Mr. Wilson to Niger came after months of efforts by the CIA, urged on by the Bush White House, to try to discover whether the Iraqi dictator was back in the business of pursuing nuclear weapons. Indeed, two other U.S. officials -- the U.S. ambassador to Niger and a top Marine general -- were asked to make inquiries, and came back similarly dubious. Notice, Dan, that two other reports were found to be dubious about the yellowcake claims.

1) Valerie Plame did nothing more than recommend her husband for the Niger trip. She introduced him to CIA officials and after 3 minutes left the meeting. [Remember Wilson was an expert on Africa, this is why Plame recommended him.]

2) Cheney had an office at the CIA and he knew nothing about Joe Wilson and his trip to Niger? C'mon, Dan.

3) What reason would Wilson have for lying about what he found in Niger?

4) Robert Novak broke the story about Plame and Wilson. Novak and Rove have been known in the past to work together on other nefarious matters. [Imo, Novak and Rove should be under a prison somewhere.]

5) Interesting how Republicans like to complain that Libby just lied to the grand jury [which is against the law]. Need I remind you, Dan, that a President was impeached because he just lied about a consensual sex act?

Anyway, Dan, I could be here all day disputing that article and quite frankly, I just don't have the time or patience. I have a big problem with Bush apologist. It was the same with Nixon, Reagan and Bush the Sr. To hear the Republicans tell it, they didn't know what in heck was going on in their own administrations, same as this one.

We went to war based on lies and many innocents are dying because of those lies and I would never support a President who did that.

Impeach Bush!


3:11 PM  

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