Friday, November 11, 2005

NOW, The Bastards Are Willing To Serve Americans

I made a statement in an earlier post that the wins by the Democrats in Virginia and New Jersey were not necessarily big wins for the Democrats. However, I believe now that along with those wins and Bush, the kiss of death, sliding in poll numbers and liar may actually have caused the partisian, worthless Republican bastards in Congress to get off of their lazy, worried about mid-term elections, asses and serve Americans.

How sad these sorry bastards have waited almost 6 years to start doing their jobs. We saw what kind of job they did during the Clinton years. They did a very good job of going after his sex life and now have the gall to whine that nothing got done under the Clinton Administration. Clinton did get a lot done and can you imagine how much would have gotten done if these worthless bastards had've actually cared about the American people and worked with Clinton instead of against him?

Anyhoo, what this rant is leading up to is the fact the House Budget Measure Is Pulled . As Washington staff writers, Jonathan Weisman and Shailagh Murray reported today, Moderates Buck GOP Leadership In Both Chambers.


House Republican leaders were forced to abruptly pull their $54 billion budget-cutting bill off the House floor yesterday, amid growing dissension in Republican ranks over spending priorities, taxes, oil exploration and the reach of government.

Now, I call that a win for Americans and considering the Republicans claimed this was one of the most important pieces of legislation in years, you have to wonder what the hell happened to the unity of the GOP they always like to brag about.

Well, what happened is they saw the handwritting on the wall...


The twin setbacks added to growing signs that the Republican Party's typically lock-step discipline is cracking under the weight of Bush's plummeting approval ratings, Tuesday's electoral defeats and the increasing discontent of the American electorate. After five years of remarkable unity under Bush's gaze, divisions between Republican moderates and conservatives are threatening to paralyze the party.

"The fractures were always there. The difference was the White House was always able to hold them in line because of perceived power," said Tony Fabrizio, a Republican pollster. "After Tuesday's election, it's 'Why are we following these guys? They're taking us off the cliff.' "

Acting House Majority Leader Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) did not dispute that.

"One of the challenges of any second-term administration is you always lose a certain amount of identification with the Congress, because everybody in the Congress in the first term knows you'll be out there in the next campaign with them," Blunt said in an interview yesterday. "Your motives are always a little more suspect when you don't have to face the voters again."

The House budget vote was supposed to reestablish the Republican commitment to a smaller government that would change the federal approach to Medicaid, food stamps, agriculture subsidies, student loans and a host of other programs.

But moderate Republicans made it clear that was not the way they wanted the party defined.
The GOP leadership had already abandoned a provision in the budget that would have opened the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling, a policy goal Bush has embraced since he came to office. But it was not enough to secure the votes of moderates who said remaining policy changes were hitting the nation's most vulnerable citizens just as the party was preparing another round of tax cuts that would benefit the most affluent.

What exactly has the Republican controlled Congress done for the last 6 years? Not much I'd say except everything the corrupt Bush Administration has asked of them, making it politics as usual instead of what's best for America. However, yesterday a bill by Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass) was passed [one of the few by a Democrat] which was a good thing for Americans.


In an 82 to 9 vote yesterday, the Senate approved an amendment to the defense authorization bill by Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) to require Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld to disclose to Congress the existence of clandestine terrorism detention facilities in foreign countries. The existence of such facilities was disclosed Nov. 2 by The Washington Post, and the Senate vote suggests Republicans are feeling heat from voters on the way Bush is conducting the war on terrorism.

I call that another big win for Americans, hopefully Bush will be next. I hope this trend continues and that the worthless bastards in control of Congress lose their asses in the mid-term elections.

Wake up people!


Blogger Catnapping said...

oh honey, i think America is finally waking up! And none too soon.

If the dems don't take back congress in 2006, there will be no checks and balances, and America as we know it will be gone.

We've already been slipping further and further into fascism...with the new fascist USSC, there will be nothing to stop Cheney and Bush if we can't get some good moral people in Congress!

4:21 PM  
Blogger Sandy said...

Yep, you are so right. Hopefully this is the beginning of the waking up to the stupor Americans have been in for 5 years now.

5:03 PM  

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