Friday, January 13, 2006

The Main Problem With Alito Being Confirmed

Imo, it is not his stance on abortion or what clubs he was affiliated with when in college but the fact that when it comes time to impeach Bush and try him for war crimes, Alito and Roberts will give him a free ride on it. Basically, Bush will be able to commit murder and get away with breaking some of the most important laws of the land. It's a well established fact Bush is a coward, tyrant, liar and one of the most corrupt Presidents in history, of course he is going to cover his sorry ass. Alito is a yes man to the Republicans, he has proven that with Reagan and he'll be a yes man for Bush. It would really be wonderful if he held to ethics but he has also proven he has none.

It seems to me the Democrats are working with Republicans. WTF is wrong with the DNC that they allow the repukes to have their way in everything. Who gives a crap if Ann Coulter, Lindsey Gramm or Arlen Specter bitch about the mean old Democrats. The bastards are going to say it no matter what the Democrats do. If the DNC continues to roll over for the Republicans as they have for years now, I say vote those bums out of office too.

The Republicans have proven time and again they do not care about the Constitution, Americans or what is just and right. They care only for the their party and their pockets.

How damn corrupt does a Political party and Administration have to be before the American people stand up and say, ENOUGH!?!?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

6% "declined to answer" because they know Bush's GESTAPO is listening in, and they don't wanna end up in a concentration camp.

4:52 PM  

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