Thursday, January 19, 2006

When Will The MSM Stop Giving Bush A Free Ride?

I remember during the Clinton Presidency the MSM wouldn't let Clinton take a piss without reporting about it, yet time after time they under report any scandals concerning Bush if they report on him at all. The White House Press corp lets Scott McClellan lie to them time after time and hardly if ever call him on it.

What's so bad is that when the MSM does report about the scandals in the Bush White House they make claims the Democrats are involved and it's their problems. [what liars] I believe this pretty much shows which party controls the media in this country.

It's time we held the Media's feet to the fire and let them know we expect them to report both sides to the story and for them to do some damn research before they spout nothing but lies.

How long will the media let Bush hide the Abramoff meetings?
by Joe in DC - 1/18/2006 12:36:00 PM

Atrios makes a great point, as usual:

Look, back during the Clinton administration this kind of thing would've dominated cable news every night. Howell Raines would've been writing thunderous editorials demanding that we knew every detail of Abramoff's White House connections. Tweety would be cranking out spittle at a record rate, screeching about the "culture of corruption" in the White House. Nightline would've put up a little "X days since White House refused to disclose information about Abramoff contacts with the president" graphic on its show.

Everyone who attended a coffee at the White House during the Clinton Administration had their name printed in the Washington Post and New York Times. The press DEMANDED that information. But, we know the Bush White House repeatedly welcomed Jack Abramoff -- who is both a major GOP fundraiser (a Bush Pioneer, no less) and a convicted felon in part because of his GOP-related shenanigans -- yet, the Bush White House doesn't have to provide details. Is the traditional media really that weak? If they ask too many questions or push too hard, maybe they won't get a Presidential nickname...that would really suck for them.

There's a history to Scotty and the crew stonewalling about their more notorious allies. Remember, they never fully explained how that man-whore Jeff Gannon managed all that repeat business at the White House either.


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