Friday, October 28, 2005

Poor Poor Tom And Conservatism

Tom DeLay has spent most of his political career slamming and slandering Democrats/Liberals. Now he's accusing the Democrats of doing the exact things he's always done. Isn't it interesting he breaks the law and whines that it's the fault of the Democrats. It's just enough to break your heart [sob].

I have a Libertarian friend who thinks DeLay is a standup guy. He heard him being interviewed and said he sounded so reasonable and that he hasn't done anything the Democrats haven't done before. What my friend seems to forget is that the repukes go after the Democrats for blowing their nose wrong.

I don't care who you are, if you break the law you should be treated just like the rest of us Shmoes and sent to jail.

In my opinion they need to throw this bastard [DeLay] under the jail.

DeLay: Conservatism Being Criminalized

By WENDY BENJAMINSON, Associated Press Writer Thu Oct 27, 3:52 PM ET

HOUSTON - Rep. Tom DeLay, under indictment on campaign finance violations, railed against Democrats in a letter Thursday, accusing them of engaging in "the politics of personal destruction."

The letter, sent to constituents and contributors, connected his case with investigations into possible misconduct by White House adviser Karl Rove and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist.

"What we're fighting is so much larger than a single court case or a single district attorney in Travis County," the Texas Republican wrote. "We are witnessing the criminalization of conservative politics."

DeLay stepped down as House majority leader after he was indicted Sept. 28 on charges he illegally funneled corporate campaign contributions to candidates for the Texas Legislature.

DeLay has launched an aggressive defense, seeking to have the judge removed because of his Democratic political activity and accusing the Democratic district attorney who charged him, Ronnie Earle, of pursuing the case for political reasons.

The letter was prepared for the Republican Party newsletter in DeLay's home county of Fort Bend. Party chairman Eric Thode said he also e-mailed it to about 2,000 Fort Bend County households and to state and national elected and party officials.


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