Thursday, January 26, 2006

Aw, Limbaugh Is Jealous Of Matthews

It appears that Rush [bigliarmouth drugaddict] Limpbaugh is jealous of the fact Chrissy [Republicon shill bigliarmouth] Matthews has a whole website devoted to him [Open Letter To Chris Matthews] because he likes to compare Americans against the Iraq war to Osama bin Laden.

So Limpbaugh has jumped on the bandwagon and joined in with the latest chorus of the NeoConvict spin, every Democrat on the face of the earth loves Osama bin Laden, blah blah blah.

Media Matters has this to say:

On his January 23 rd radio show, Rush Limbaugh characterized Osama bin Laden's recently released audiotape as an echo of Democratic criticisms of President Bush, saying that Democrats would "eat ... up" bin Laden's message. Limbaugh said, "[H]ere comes bin Laden actually suggesting a truce," adding: "Well, the Democrats will eat that up because, while they can't trust George W. Bush, they can trust Osama bin Laden." He also claimed that the bin Laden "videotape that came out right before the election last year [2004] ... could've been a [Sen.] John Kerry [D-MA] speech. You know, 75 percent of it." Limbaugh's comments repeat claims made by other members of the media who have also used the bin Laden tape to denounce critics of the Bush administration's conduct of the Iraq war. As Media Matters for America previously noted, since the release of the tape, Fox News' Sean Hannity and MSNBC's Chris Matthews -- among others -- have made allegations similar to Limbaugh's.

Actually Bush and his good buddy Osama are working together. What other reason could there be for Mr. Bush not getting Osama bin Laden [ dead or alive] as he promised. Btw, where is bin Laden?

Hang in there, Limpbaugh, no doubt you'll be getting a website dedicated to your lies just any day now.


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