Thursday, February 23, 2006

Hell Has Officially Frozen Over

Whenever you hear that Denny Hastert and Frist are agreeing with anyone on the Left side of the aisle then you know it's starting to get much colder in hell and is an extremely bad sign for Bush/Cheney/Rove. Hopefully Bushes approval and defending of turning over some US ports to terrorists [Dubai] will bite him in the ass, at least I hope it will.

We'll see if the Republicans can stay outraged at Bush this time for being "weak on security." You know, that lovely little catch phrase the Bush Administration has used so well against Democrats. Ah yes, Bush putting business before American security. Now who's living in the pre 9/11 days?

Sadly we see what Bush really cares about...BIG moolah. Of course this is what happens when you put "big business" in the White House. Those of you who voted for Bush & Co can't say you didn't know.

Dan Froomkin has a great piece in the Washington Post about Bush and his ever "trust me" just doesn't hack it anymore.

Hold his feet to the fire, repukes, you're the only ones who can.


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