Thursday, February 16, 2006

Getting Our Priorities Straight

If I read anymore speculation about the ever incompetent, Vice President Dick Cheney I'm going to puke. The shooting accident story has been going on now for four days, six days since it took place and the Democrats can do nothing but harp on it. For God's sake, there is so much more that Liberal bloggers and MSM should be talking about than what a bumbling hunter Cheney is. Okay, you wanted him to talk to the MSM about the accident and he has,
Cheney Says Shooting Was His Fault, But He Stands By Decisions On Disclosure. Move along folks there's nothing to see.

Let me see if I can find something for you folks to be outraged about...

Look at the picture of Bush/Cheney and repeat after me, these are the men who stood before the world and started a war based on lies and deception, causing the deaths of hundreds of thousand of people, nearly 3,000 of our own [so far].

Not outraged enough? Try this...

Look at their picture and repeat after me, these are the leaders of the greatest country on earth and they advocate barbaric torture practices against prisoners, basically spitting on the Geneva Conventions yet all the while lying to the world that, America doesn't use torture.

Still not outraged enough? Look at the newest pictures of America not torturing prisoners.

How about this outrage...The Bush 2006 Budget. I dare you to go to this site and see if you're outraged at what Bushes budget is going to cut from your state.

Then there's the outrage over the illegal spying I posted about yesterday.

America is being distracted from what this corrupt administration is really doing. If America is more outraged by Cheney accidently shooting his "good friend" than what I have presented here, then I'm afraid America is in extremely serious trouble. Instead of being outraged about the lies and deception of the Cheney shooting [are you honestly surprised?] the focus needs to stay on the complete corruption of the Bush Administration.

The Democrats who keep harping about the Cheney shooting BS are no better than the rightwingnuts who crucified Clinton[and still are] over a blowjob. Just because the idiot rightwingnuts do it doesn't mean we should also jump off of the cliff. We have to keep to the business [bush corruption] at hand and not be destracted or let up on it for one minute.

Disclaimer: Yes I know, I also have a post about the Cheney shooting but that's all. For me, it's time to move on.

My God, people, get your priorties straight!


Blogger Wild Widow said...

It's pretty sad that we must rely on foreign news sources to learn about what our AMERICAN leaders are doing!

5:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so true but whatever it takes. I am so grateful to the UK and Australia for the information they're sending our way.


5:43 PM  

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