Wednesday, February 15, 2006

And So It Goes...

Once again it looks like the totally corrupt King George will get away with more corruption. Through closed meetings with Rrepublicans only the Bush/Cheney team have once again convinced their corrupt sheep to drop any and all possible investigations into the Bush NSA criminal activity.

Congressional Probe of NSA Spying Is in Doubt
White House Sways Some GOP Lawmakers


Congress appeared ready to launch an investigation into the Bush administration's warrantless domestic surveillance program last week, but an all-out White House lobbying campaign has dramatically slowed the effort and may kill it, key Republican and Democratic sources said yesterday.

Lawmakers cite senators such as Olympia J. Snowe (R-Maine) to illustrate the administration's success in cooling congressional zeal for an investigation. On Dec. 20, she was among two Republicans and two Democrats who signed a letter expressing "our profound concern about recent revelations that the United States Government may have engaged in domestic electronic surveillance without appropriate legal authority." The letter urged the Senate's intelligence and judiciary committees to "jointly undertake an inquiry into the facts and law surrounding these allegations."

In an interview yesterday, Snowe said, "I'm not sure it's going to be essential or necessary" to conduct an inquiry "if we can address the legislative standpoint" that would provide oversight of the surveillance program. "We're learning a lot and we're going to learn more," she said.

She cited last week's briefings before the full House and Senate intelligence committees by Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales and former NSA director Michael V. Hayden.

"The administration has obviously gotten the message that they need to be more forthcoming," Snowe said. [Oh yeah, Snowe, King George has gotten the message, sure he has. As if.]


One wonders what it will take for the Democrats to stand up and demand that this corrupt Bush Administration be held accountable for their out and out crimes against the American people?

May I recommend we vote into office a new group of Liberal Democrats who are not Republicans in Democrat's clothing. This has got to stop and now. It appears the Democrats in Congress are as corrupt as the Republicans and have no desire to serve the American people.

The power is truly in the hands of the American people and the sooner they realize that the sooner we can do something about the corruption in Washington.

In the seventies (the Nixon days) we had a saying...

Wake up people and realize, you have the power. It's


Blogger Constant said...

Hi Libby,

And there's something else people can do -- besides waiting until November to vote -- [ here it is Click ]

The process is simple. Only one state is needed: A state can issue a proclamation ordering the House to vote up or down. If Congress refuses to review the matter, the voters will know that the Congress refuses to review what they should review.

By forcing the congress to face this issue and vote, this will give voters nine months to digest what is going on.

There's no reason to wait until November -- and we haven't. The team is in place working around the country and we've made progress in Vermont -- they are poised to act. If you know others who may be concerned, send them the Kos-link, and let them know there is something that can be done.

Here is more about this process: [ Click ]

There is nothing the RNC, White House, or Congress can do to bury this in committee. This approach was successfully tested in 1903, is consistent with the House rules, and the RNC cannot hide this: They have to vote.

Spread the word: The states have options.

Best wishes!

- Constant -

4:38 PM  
Blogger Sandy said...

Thank you, Constant, for this very valuable information. I will pass it on.


6:14 PM  

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