Tuesday, April 04, 2006

DeLay Has A Talk With Jesus...

and decides that it's best if he doesn't run for the District 22 seat in Texas. In the Times interview, DeLay claims that he and wife Christine, had been prepared to fight, but that he decided last Wednesday, after months of prayer and contemplation, to spare his suburban Houston district the mudfest to come.

Golly, Tommy, I was worried you might be giving up the run for your Congressional seat because your EX-aides are singing like little birds about your involvement with "your good friend," Abramoff and your corruption.

Well anyway, we know it's one of two things, heck, it could be two things, either you're worried you'd lose your election or you're afraid you'll be sitting in jail by November 2006.

I'm banking on both, just call me Schadenfreude [sigh]. The one thing that would make me happier would be if Christine DeLay went with her hubby to the BIG house.

Finally, America wins one. Next!

We'd hate for Bush to feel left out so here's an article by Dan Froomkin that you might enjoy reading...'Meet The Real Bush.'


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