Thursday, July 06, 2006

It's Official, The Democratic Party Is A Sham

At a time when unity is called for within the DNC they are becoming a completely fractured political group. Sadly, they are allowing the republicon shill, Joe Lieberman destroy them from the inside out. When you have a political party going against themselves there is no hope of winning against one of the most corrupt administrations in history.

It's unconscionable that as David Sirota states on his blog...In an explosive story, the Rocky Mountain News reports that freshman Sen. Ken Salazar (D-CO) has become the first Democrat to publicly say he will ignore the will of Connecticut Democratic primary voters and support Sen. Joe Lieberman even if Lieberman loses the primary, leaves the Democratic Party and runs as an independent. Before this, only Sens. Chuck Schumer and Chris Dodd indicated they might do this - now we have a Democratic U.S. Senator officially on record saying he will use his power to thwart both the Democratic Party and the small "d" democratic process, undermining his party and giving a big middle finger to voters.

And now we find out that not only Democrats, Salazar, Schumer and Dodd are going to support Liebernman even if he loses the Connecticut Democratic primary, Biden and Boxer are going to campaign for Liberman in the August 8th primary.

The Democrats winning the 2006 midterm elections were/are the only hope of the bush administration being held accountable for their war crimes and corruption against Americans, Iraqis and the Constitution. It is beginning to appear that even the Democrats are really republicans.

The only way I will vote Democrat is if Democratic Senators support and only support Democrats who win their primaries for the 2006 election.

Don't you know Rove and bush are laughing their asses off claiming that the DNC is doing their work for them. The bushites aren't even going to have to lift a finger in trying to discredit the Democrats all because the Dems are doing it on their own.

OMG, the world has gone mad.

If this causes you to be as outraged as I am, then may I suggest you hold the Democratic Senators to their promise of serving the voters who put them in office.

Find out who your Democratic Senator plans to support?