Sunday, January 29, 2006

Republicans Still Out Of Touch With Reality

As many of us (Liberals) know there has been a hue and cry by the American people (Liberals) for the Senate Democrats to filibuster Alito. We've gone to Senator John Kerry and reminded him of the promise he made to the American people back in June 2003 ["I am prepared to filibuster, if necessary, any Supreme Court nominee who would turn back the clock on a woman's right to choose or the constitutional right to privacy, on civil rights and individual liberties and on the laws protecting workers and the environment," Kerry said in remarks via satellite at a meeting of Democratic party officials in St. Paul, Minn. ] and demanded that he uphold his promise. We have written to the eight Democratic Senators who refuse to support the Alito filibuster, demanding they fight the Alito nomination for the USSC or they will be out of a job.

Thankfully Senator Kerry came through on his promise ....


Sen. John F. Kerry cut short a European trip yesterday and returned to Washington, where he was greeted with praise from liberal groups and ridicule from Republicans [ you notice this part?] for his role in postponing a confirmation vote for Supreme Court nominee Samuel A. Alito Jr.




Republicans mocked Kerry's role in extending the debate from Europe on Thursday, and they continued their sarcasm yesterday. The filibuster strategy "was apparently hatched in Davos, Switzerland, where Senator Kerry now is with those masters of the universe that are out there trying to figure our world economy out," Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) said in a Senate speech, even though Kerry was back in Washington by then.


and this from White House press secretary, Scottie [neocon mouthpiece] McClellan...


White House press secretary Scott McClellan told reporters, "Even for a senator, it takes some pretty serious yodeling to call for a filibuster from a five-star ski resort in the Swiss Alps."


Let me be the first to apprise the Republicans and Scottie Mc Clellan that Senator Kerry is not doing this because he necessarily wanted to filibuster the Alito nomination, he did it because the blogosphere and Americans demanded it of him.

Scottie is right about one thing, there was some very serious yodeling being done and btw, Scottie, unlike your President who goes on vacation more than any other sitting President in history [and during a time of war, I might add] some servants of the American people actually work for them.

To be perfectly honest Republicans are not out of touch with reality, they are trying to change reality. Well, good luck with that.


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